Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Fly Buy: NKI' (NKI-wt)

I bought 1,000 NKI' @ $4.24.

Disclaimer: If you buy NKI' because of this post, the next time you go on a road trip, you will fall asleep while driving. And, you may lose money.

a good post from the investorvillage board on MVIS:

Jeff Wilson our CFO, like the rest of senior management, owns no stock and on 8/15/2007 exercised his only ISO options (ie. 40,000) in which he was fully vested --- ie. 1/4th of the ISO grant he was given on 5/17/2006 at 2.77/sh and the only portion of the grant in which he was 100% vested on 5/17/2006. He sold the entire 40,000 shs at 4.70/sh on 8/15/2007 one day before our stock bottomed out in this current retrenchment and one day before the FED lowered the discount rate.

Looks to me like Jeff is following the market and at best this is very bad form on his part. We will have to see if any other members of senior management or the BOD made similar sales. IMO Alex T. should call Jeff down to the corner office and slap him upside the head. He made his sale less than one week --- ie. 6 days to be specific --- after our presentation to the prospective investors at the Canacordadams conference on 8/9/2007 and about 5 weeks before we will be making similar presentations to other investors in late September. Looks to me like Jeff is stepping on our message and interfering with the purpose of our participation in these investor conferences. Also in the weeks and months ahead he will be getting more and more calls from analysts who are considering following MVIS. It doesn't help our cause to have a CFO who is unwilling to hold for the same long term he is asking of our current and future investors. Good luck to everyone.
The fact that the cfo can't even hold a few thousand shares speaks volumes and is enough for me to sell my stake. The stock is a sell and the company isn't worth shit.
So how does this work? C (Citi) just walks up to the discount window and says: I need to borrow a half billion dollars-please let me have it in 50s and 20s. Oh yeah, don't forget my free toaster.
well it smells like pump and dump when the CFO is shilling at dog and pony shows while puking the stock out of his own account
You guys are queer.
polish knob I have to agree. it smells a little fishy. do you really think the cfo would sell 40000 shares if he thought the stock was going to $10 in the next 6 months? please.
time for a reality check broker a.

So sell it.

End of story.
If I'm not mistaken, Wilson has been there since 99. He is one of the last memebers of the old mngmt. 1+2=3.
i did, just venting.
Good, now fuck off.
Wilson needs the cash to avoid foreclosure on his Alt-A mortgage.
Jeremy, yoiu are totally correct--ancillary evidence of wrongdoing totally trumps all logic. I just sold mine because I found samsung is much closer to market with a smaller and faster system--so much more capable.

So "fuck off" and we're "queer." Look I don't know for a fact whether MVIS will be 2 or 10 in 6 months, and neither do you. But this smells like shit, so with my money I'll short this fucked-up piece of microcap trash.
It's hardly any coin, basically part of his salary.
yes, I hold you in the same company as vegetarians. Remeber broker, this guy took out a subprime loan from a Mexican with an ice ceram stand. The video never lies.
danny all that is meaningless. the fact is the cfo has no confidence that the company can execute on its plan and he feels the stock has no upside.

broker a why don't you fuck off.
why even grant options as an incentive if the exectuvies just dump them? how does that motivate executives to perform.

You are a goat fucking trailer park OTB guy.

Now, fuck off for good and never come back, else I will track you down and throw peanut butter on your trailer home.
Haha its funny, every time MVIS starts going up the faggots from the Yahoo board invade this site. You cocksuckers need to clean the nut out of your teeth and get a fucking life, if you hate the stock then sell it and if your short it then good we don't give a fuck unless your toothless sister will suck our cocks so we will sell. In other words eat a dick.

On another note it looks like I should pump my fucking heater to full blast and remove my thermostat since NatGas is going to be socialized now.
He exercised 40,000 options @2.77, and sold @4.60-ish for a whooping $80K in profit. Hardly a pump and dump.

Also, Jeff Wilson goes by the name of "Powder" Jeff Wilson. And, this $80K is probably for Powder's Wild Labor Day $80,000 Crack Party.
you are sullying the good name of Daniel's everywhere
daniel, all the better, a cfo known for substance abuse. i am buying back at the market right now.
oh and ZUMZ is looking fucking great
BOT 4k more mvis based on all the silly chit chat. you sell on chit chat i buy on chit chat. silly, isnt it?
I bought 2k more this morning.
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