Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Fly Sell: LAZ

I sold short 3,000 LAZ @ $43.35.

UPDATE: I sold short 3,000 @ $42.25.

Disclaimer: If you sell short LAZ because of this post, your only son will break Barry Bonds' homerun record, via taking stronger steroids. And, you may lose money.

These swings are giving me a fucking headache plus my fingers hurt from trading like a maniac. My broker will be eating rib eyes tonight and I will be at Golden Corral if I can find my discount coupon.
Looks like daily 3:10pm shorting has started?
broker - i'd like your advice on BOOM. I held a large position up to 36. started selling to 40. have been out. multiple gap ups since last earnings on volume. is it time to get back in or time to short? any take on this thing? thank you, boomer
market taking a dump
Did Iran just launch a nuke or are they just happy to see the UN inspectors?
Hey fly,
Here is another company that will profit from G-phone HTC

It is going to be a linux based phone, that should piss off mr. softy
Hell of a play from a quick 9k Fly.
I am able to operate freely, within this paradigm.
fly you still still own the chiquita warrants?

Holy sheep tits!
AMGN,DNA came off negative bottom to positive when market got trashed.
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