Thursday, August 09, 2007


Fly Sell: LAZ

I sold short 2,000 LAZ @ $40.25.

Disclaimer: If you sell short LAZ because of this post, discarded family members will gravitate towards you. And, you may lose money.

ITRI never goes down. What a run!
LAZ looks like it wants to move higher you better start punching its lips off.
Broker -- do you like CE? Down big, reaffirmed guidance. Think it's a big over reaction.
By the way NDAQ is en fuego hoy.
I know I'm a fucktard, but I really want to buy some GS here...
Did anyone listen to the MVIS presentation? Did Tokman demonstrate the picop there? My fucking media player is fucked.
kmorph I did.
anyone have any thoughts on LEND? Contract deal no deal decision is on Aug 14.

NVDA looks good for earnings?

Tokman did a gangster rap presentation, yo.
gapping: I just bought a few Jan 08 OTM calls. I figure I have enough stress in my life already.
This is a boreing ass day. Hey fly you got any juicy info on mvis? Hear anything exciting? I need to get pumped up again. Hey may be you can do a what if scenerio on what mvis would be worth if they reach certain market share in different products they are targeting.
Come on I need to wake up. Tired of this subprime bullshit already.
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