Friday, August 24, 2007
Fly Sell: NGS
I sold 2,000 NGS @ $16.70.
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This Angelo shit never gets old. It should be illegal to be that tan. Can you imagine him walking into a salon asking for a tanning session. The looks on the faces. It's like watching the fat guy at Luby's load up his tray with every item on the menu. Nobody tells him to stop. However, if you are Angelo, there is no need to go to a salon. You're worth $100+ million, you can install tanning bed lights throughout your home and in your golf cart. Amazing.
Countrywide is going to inherit 50% of the RE in California via "new" immigrants foreclosing, thus his need to get the Fed to liquify. If the fed plays academic, then Mozilo may appear one day on financial TV with out a Tan from spending time in a place where they lack tanning beds.
I say we go All Angelo all the time until CFC gets off the most actives. What a piece of Americanna.
Oh boy there is 100 year old Jimmy. He has a boner looking at this hot bitch. Art has to do the talking.
I'm enjoying the randomness of Fly's banner ads... I'm looking at a flog for "year end car sales" now.
Chastened by Helicopter Ben's refusal to drop the fed funds rate by 100 bips, Tangelo vows to go to 24-7 UV exposure!
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