Friday, August 03, 2007
Hella Lame...A Portrait of [Market] Schizophrenia
Sure, I could sit here, slug my oat soda, and write a small novella on why today the market tasted like an undercooked scrambled egg from waffle house, but I'd rather focus on something much, much more petarded. You chaps deserve better.
Petarded? Chaps?!
Christ, he IS getting stronger.
I'm sorry, I owe you, the reader, an explanation: As the market gets shittier, Ducati, with his Voldemort-like powers, gets stronger, and his effects can be seen all around the internets. Your speech will become peppered with useless verbiage, vis-à-vis a marked increase in the formation of perfectly constructed moot points. The validity of your points will be shrouded in a veil of secrecy, never to be understood by anyone.
You will, viz., turn into a petard.
Now, the main thing to remember, isSTAY CALM
Stay calm? Easy for this shiteflinger to say, he's not turning into a petard. Don't make me look at my YTD, please
FOCUS. Panic selling doesn't do anyone any good. Not everything can be affected by credit markets, remember?
Can it?
Look, there are two simple ways to view the market--you're either a timer, or not. Either you play a short-term game, or you don't. For the sake of capital preservation, over-trading is petarded. If you think you can time the market, sell some stocks; raise some cash, as good deals will surely be afforded to you over the remainder of summer. You owe it to yourself to know what you own, and if there is tangible risk, sell. Notice I said tangible risk, as in it is MATERIAL, and REAL, currently. That includes homebuilders and prime brokerages, at least until we get some better estimates. Leave the guessing of how, if, and to what degree the credit cycle will affect GME to the kidstocks of the world. Selling because you are extrapolating what may be at risk because this is at risk, so THAT means that this group must slow down, which means the consumer will soon be drinking Kool-Aid with the "yellow 5 coloring," effectively causing the nation's balls to shrink is plain petarded. That is the petarded issue that bears addressing--panic selling. GS, gone, I understand, but everything? NO.
So, DON'T sell everything short of your Grandma's Palladium dentures just yet--PPS may be depressed, but it's the business inside that counts.
You know, the classic rhetorical moral situation--a fat girl with loads of personality. That's our market. Sure, we could dump on her, but we know she's hot on the inside, deep down--or at least, has the potential, provided she can drop the spare.
Aghh, but that sub-prime baggage could have totally unforeseeable effects, you know, on her personality.
You really can't tell. This type of action have caused nobler men to piss themselves. Sure, no prob if you have Zeus-like intestinal fortitude. Didn't the man change shape, to fuck a cow? Talk about looking beneath the surface for an inner beauty--Bernanke, you hearing me on this?
ST down, LT up, sounds easy enough. There are plays that will last for years--perfect, no rush. You think Chipotable is done, because now you can't afford a $10 burrito? Sure, maybe the PPS is done for a qtr, but you're huffing gas out of your cousin's three-wheeler if you think the growth of CMG is done. Wait until it comes in enough to discount its future, then buy aggressively. Speaking of wheels, ol' Fostish (FWLT) had less volume today that it's 50-day avg, has 66% of its sales in EU, and has global growth wind in its sails. Don't buy it though, it reports next week, and due to the total lack of IP rights, the issue is likely worth .95-1.13, based on my mental schedule of amortization. Remember, soon our world will resemble the barren moon, no need for foster. Sell everything--all I need is my money market account. Dammit, there it is again
MVIS, anyone?
You have to look past the next three weeks. I love baby-cide as much as the next man, but for the love of caddyshack, don't throw the babies out with all that murky sub-prime bath-water!
And plus, the market isn’t quite at the "fat girl with personality" phase, yet anyway; we just sure as hell aren't in the "sex with lights on" phase anymore. If anything, we have swiftly entered the "I can't look you in the eye and answer that question honestly because you've become a little husky" phase. Debilitating, sure, but thankfully a superficial phase. Excuse my jargon.
On a final note, if you're scared of nothing, or even everything, how's this awesome fortune I got today? Those chinamen have some sick sense ofhumour humor. Ahh, the pain...
Jog on, lads.

Petarded? Chaps?!
Christ, he IS getting stronger.
I'm sorry, I owe you, the reader, an explanation: As the market gets shittier, Ducati, with his Voldemort-like powers, gets stronger, and his effects can be seen all around the internets. Your speech will become peppered with useless verbiage, vis-à-vis a marked increase in the formation of perfectly constructed moot points. The validity of your points will be shrouded in a veil of secrecy, never to be understood by anyone.
You will, viz., turn into a petard.
Now, the main thing to remember, is
FOCUS. Panic selling doesn't do anyone any good. Not everything can be affected by credit markets, remember?
Look, there are two simple ways to view the market--you're either a timer, or not. Either you play a short-term game, or you don't. For the sake of capital preservation, over-trading is petarded. If you think you can time the market, sell some stocks; raise some cash, as good deals will surely be afforded to you over the remainder of summer. You owe it to yourself to know what you own, and if there is tangible risk, sell. Notice I said tangible risk, as in it is MATERIAL, and REAL, currently. That includes homebuilders and prime brokerages, at least until we get some better estimates. Leave the guessing of how, if, and to what degree the credit cycle will affect GME to the kidstocks of the world. Selling because you are extrapolating what may be at risk because this is at risk, so THAT means that this group must slow down, which means the consumer will soon be drinking Kool-Aid with the "yellow 5 coloring," effectively causing the nation's balls to shrink is plain petarded. That is the petarded issue that bears addressing--panic selling. GS, gone, I understand, but everything? NO.
So, DON'T sell everything short of your Grandma's Palladium dentures just yet--PPS may be depressed, but it's the business inside that counts.
You know, the classic rhetorical moral situation--a fat girl with loads of personality. That's our market. Sure, we could dump on her, but we know she's hot on the inside, deep down--or at least, has the potential, provided she can drop the spare.
You really can't tell. This type of action have caused nobler men to piss themselves. Sure, no prob if you have Zeus-like intestinal fortitude. Didn't the man change shape, to fuck a cow? Talk about looking beneath the surface for an inner beauty--Bernanke, you hearing me on this?
ST down, LT up, sounds easy enough. There are plays that will last for years--perfect, no rush. You think Chipotable is done, because now you can't afford a $10 burrito? Sure, maybe the PPS is done for a qtr, but you're huffing gas out of your cousin's three-wheeler if you think the growth of CMG is done. Wait until it comes in enough to discount its future, then buy aggressively. Speaking of wheels, ol' Fostish (FWLT) had less volume today that it's 50-day avg, has 66% of its sales in EU, and has global growth wind in its sails. Don't buy it though, it reports next week, and due to the total lack of IP rights, the issue is likely worth .95-1.13, based on my mental schedule of amortization. Remember, soon our world will resemble the barren moon, no need for foster. Sell everything--all I need is my money market account. Dammit, there it is again
MVIS, anyone?
You have to look past the next three weeks. I love baby-cide as much as the next man, but for the love of caddyshack, don't throw the babies out with all that murky sub-prime bath-water!
And plus, the market isn’t quite at the "fat girl with personality" phase, yet anyway; we just sure as hell aren't in the "sex with lights on" phase anymore. If anything, we have swiftly entered the "I can't look you in the eye and answer that question honestly because you've become a little husky" phase. Debilitating, sure, but thankfully a superficial phase. Excuse my jargon.
On a final note, if you're scared of nothing, or even everything, how's this awesome fortune I got today? Those chinamen have some sick sense of
Jog on, lads.

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You copied this post from a 1999 New Zealand Post article, titled "When will Captain Petard leave Star-Trek," truly unoriginal.
Also, I have evaluated the patents of this post and come up with an *intrinsic* value of zero, of course.
Jog on.
Also, I have evaluated the patents of this post and come up with an *intrinsic* value of zero, of course.
Jog on.
Boone- without a doubt, just fucking fantastic post.
However, I will counter this post, vis a vis, the fat girl, as you will see once she's off her meds, she turns into a real stingy bitch.
However, I will counter this post, vis a vis, the fat girl, as you will see once she's off her meds, she turns into a real stingy bitch.
aha, important distinction.
Dan, bear grylls, he is awesome, but godfather quote, was that like the epic insult of night?
Dan, bear grylls, he is awesome, but godfather quote, was that like the epic insult of night?
Boone- Bear Grylls, turns out he is a fake. He would stay in hotels and what-not when he felt like it. Although I guess if you are willing to eat the moldy, rotten ass of a fruit bat, then maybe you deserve the hotel.
I think Dan was referencing Fly's comment where he implied *falsification*.
I think Dan was referencing Fly's comment where he implied *falsification*.
ahhh, thanks for elucidating that for me shed. I didn;t know that about bear grylls and rescind my assertation of his awesomeness. Sucks, I really liked that show. The man grabbed a salmon from a stream, and bit into it, alive. "freshest sashimi you'll ever taste." That was just too fucking hilarious.
I start my fucking trip tomorrow.
It's a 5 hour drive and I'm sure there will be plenty of stuff to annoy me, along the way.
While it's true, Romania is on the summer itinerary, I intend to go, once I abscond the rest of my profits.
One thing is for sure, regarding this market, sometime soon, I will get my home run swing back and start making some serious coin.
I've been through shit like this, and it always ends good-- for me at least.
Once I understand the paradigm, I will be able to operate inside of it, freely.
Up until today, I didn't understand the true complexity of the banking crisis at hand, considering I have never experienced one.
However, I am pretty sure where to move next and will start making some changes.
Or, I'll drink a few dozen Monsters all at once, and call it a day.
It's a 5 hour drive and I'm sure there will be plenty of stuff to annoy me, along the way.
While it's true, Romania is on the summer itinerary, I intend to go, once I abscond the rest of my profits.
One thing is for sure, regarding this market, sometime soon, I will get my home run swing back and start making some serious coin.
I've been through shit like this, and it always ends good-- for me at least.
Once I understand the paradigm, I will be able to operate inside of it, freely.
Up until today, I didn't understand the true complexity of the banking crisis at hand, considering I have never experienced one.
However, I am pretty sure where to move next and will start making some changes.
Or, I'll drink a few dozen Monsters all at once, and call it a day.
you all should know I have and will delete all of Palladium JJ's comments. Obviously.
Glad to hear the time machine is working fly, enjoy your trip.
Glad to hear the time machine is working fly, enjoy your trip.
Thank you, Danny. I will mellow out and enjoy some Chip-o-tab-lei this weekend, while trying to envision the market out past a week or two.
Danny, I say we immediately iniate Martial law, as soon as Fly hits the road, to take care of the likes of JJ.
Fly, I'm working on a monster post viz. CDOs and the banking crisis. I hope it fits with your paradigm.
Fly, I'm working on a monster post viz. CDOs and the banking crisis. I hope it fits with your paradigm.
Great post Danny. You are wise beyond your years.
This is purely academic, but when credit gets tight smaller businesses suffer more then large caps as banks are less likely to extend them credit.
This is purely academic, but when credit gets tight smaller businesses suffer more then large caps as banks are less likely to extend them credit.
Perhaps I'm not looking in the right places, but I don't see any significant insider sales for BSC recently. Why not? Is there a tremendous lag in terms of when these are posted?
nncoco- thanks. That is another spectrum of analysis. If you own a small cap, that likely needs financing (and I hope you don't) it will be harder. Similarly, if you own a stock that has to make many capital intensive investments, that could be harder. Thankfully, 5 mins on craiglsist have alleviated my concerns.
you know you want this
you know you want this
Danny, dude wicked post, I know during these pressing times, I go to my guys at Wu Tang Financial. Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yam shimmy ya!
I can't sleep. It's 3:59 AM and I'm loving this blog. I think I would re-kill myself if this blog didn't exist. Monday is either dead cat bounce day/wait and see if the fed mans up and cuts rates or its October 19, 1987 redux.
Is everyone fucking kidding me tonight??? The market has gone straight up for months in a row, this is a normal, to be expected correction. Were are in a bull market. Too druck to list all or the positives, but trust me, this market is going higher. Cramer is fucking insane. More and more I believe that he is trying to manipulate the market. Fuck him and his bullshit. We are at the bottom of this bullshit. Think about this, all of the high growth stocks that I am in and most of you also probably, appl, goog, crox, rimm, mvis, cme - the motherfucking money making machine, tasr, are still so much higer than they were last month. Who gives a fuck. They will come back and hit new highs. Forget the day to day swings.
They never undercook the eggs at Waffle House. Try the pecan waffles with a double order of hash browns smothered with onions. They are the best. The greasier the better.
good suggestion TC. They don't have waffle houses out here though, so it may be a while before I get to try. I'll order it at my spot though, see if they can't give it a good name
Daniel my brother I am older than you. Great Post by the way.
How is the Real Estate market in SD?
Cash out and get ya a sweet condo on water!
And more importantly how will the Chargers be this year?
How is the Real Estate market in SD?
Cash out and get ya a sweet condo on water!
And more importantly how will the Chargers be this year?
thanks. RE here doesn't seem as bad as everyone suggests. I haven't seen my 50th foreclosure per block, but I am seeing 50 cricket's per sq. mile.
I am gonna buy some property, according to my mythical timeline in one or two years. That will give me time to shop around, and by them hopefully MVIS can assist me in buying the popsicle stand.
haha. chargers...well ok. clearly we have a kickass fucking team. rivers, gates, LT!!, hell I'll even throw ol' martinheimer a bone. WIll may utilize that, or fuck it up, but I can't really say anything negative about my city, so I'll end it with GO LT. Merriman now lives next door to my HS gf, so yes, I have stood in his garage and looked at his cars. He's got like 5.
I am gonna buy some property, according to my mythical timeline in one or two years. That will give me time to shop around, and by them hopefully MVIS can assist me in buying the popsicle stand.
haha. chargers...well ok. clearly we have a kickass fucking team. rivers, gates, LT!!, hell I'll even throw ol' martinheimer a bone. WIll may utilize that, or fuck it up, but I can't really say anything negative about my city, so I'll end it with GO LT. Merriman now lives next door to my HS gf, so yes, I have stood in his garage and looked at his cars. He's got like 5.
Here is a movie on the history of money supply. It is long as fuck and if the narriator doesn't stop shaking that pen at me I'm going to snatch it out of his hand and break it.
(Google Video - The Money Masters)
If history repeats, I'd still be short Real Estate and the Russell.
(Google Video - The Money Masters)
If history repeats, I'd still be short Real Estate and the Russell.
you see, my "fly cockiness oscillator " was at a staggering 9.8 two weeks I knew we were headed for a market top ... this guy is the greatest contrarian indicator since Richard Russel! Hopefully the dumb schleps he gets to blog here on the weekends are just as reliable. You see, the problem with the markets is that everyone thinks they are expert takes more balls not to make a call sometimes.
Hey pete, the irony is that you are just as cocky.
However, you do not have your own blog, so we have no way to know if you actually bank coin, or just like to bust balls.
However, you do not have your own blog, so we have no way to know if you actually bank coin, or just like to bust balls.
LOL, you may be correct, but I'm cocky because I'm unbiased, so I can never get burned for my cockiness. Personally, I like to bust balls AND bank coin. Blogging is not for me though, I change my mind and anyone who took my advice may be fucked. When someone puts their ideas out there, it makes them slow to change them and and slow to admit they are wrong....bad combo. I like to stay flexible.
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