Thursday, August 23, 2007


How 'bout a late day rally?

Angelo Mozilo, CEO of CountryWide Financial

Fuck these mortgage losers. I am starting to see sign's of a rally, despite the "Golden Bear" being absent.

To gauge the Nasdaq, watch ERTS, AMGN, NVDA, RIMM, AMZN and NIHD for tells.

With my money, I have been nibbling at UNG and ATI.

Additionally, I took down an initial position in IIG.

Have you guys seen this?

HANS CEO sells 545,000 Shares
I fortune telled this over a month ago. However, I would not worry as they are tapping that "Ass" in Europe with industry veterans.

i think the HANS guy as 1.5M more. reasonable i guess after such a run, who knows maybe he's getting reloaded on options and wants to take some off the table?

I like this one too. He reminds me of the Seinfeld where Kramer uses butter for tanning.
Yo calculator brain, Thats not him on the picture. Nevertheless, I love your picks. Keep it up. You da best ever.
Yo Marketmakerx, you are a sharp one.
I know, it's George Hamilton-- you fucking idiot.
broker a - don't insult fucking idiots like that
Fly - get you some CWTR at 52 wk low range. I might buy me a sweater vest over there later.
Sierra, are you Brent?
Here's a picture of the real Angelo Mozilio
no more tanning beds for Angelo Mpzilio. Oh so sorry, now he'll have to survive on only $20 mil a year compared to $75 mil. We should take up a collection for him. What do you guys think?
Holy schit, you could make twenty- fie wallets outta that farker's glossy haid alone.


UNG blowin' up!
Cover them short, Muttley-parkas!
UNG blasting off, I am locked in with 2000 shares for the big hurricane announcement.
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I really need help off the floor LMFAO after reading this "Hamilton" post and the one before re: Dunkin' Donuts. This is why I read the Fly's Blog. You should moonlight at NYU teaching creative writing.
Nice job.

Sierra aka "Brent"
Are you still holding your MRVL?
Angelo Mozilo has a tanning bed in his office. True story . You'll find it on their annual report.
Mozilo looks like the guys from Miami Beach I used to defend in court in my lawyer days.
Trader... mob guys?
No, just low rent types who looked like my Uncle Leo.

check out how dark he is
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