Thursday, August 23, 2007


Late Day Thought

Angelo Mozilo is a tanning fool.

Fuck tan, he's orange!
I think he might be a sub-prime alien, looking to destroy the U.S.
hes sold $130,000,000 in stock this year ... he should go to prison & return that money to homeowners who lost their homes cause of his snakedness.
Looks like the unholy consummation of Yogi Berra and his trusty catcher's mitt, circa 1947.
Mozilo has a tanning bed in his office.
Mein Gott in Himmel, there's a correlation between natural gas prices and George Hamilton's grinning mug!

Keep that jpeg in tow along with the foiled bruin, BA.
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dont you mean he has an office in his tanning bed?
I could see that fucker hanging upside down at night when he sleeps. Like a bat
CNBC wants to show the video of Angelo saying we're heading for recession over and over and over. Someone should light Maria's arm hair on fire for getting him to say that.
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