Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Late Night Link

Fuck the bear shitting propaganda writers.

yeah, thats like a company saying revenues rise 93% without saying its off a base of $5. Or profit rises 93% to a whopping one penny per share.
What's the CFO exercising 40k of MVIS for? Times tough in Seattle?
what's with the blogspot being down for like 2 hours? f that
I could not reach this site until now, blogger sucks. Buy the domain
Hey newequity if you don't like the blog then fuck off.
jeffpaz .. insider activity in MVIS leaves a lot to be desired. A lot ! I'd feel a lot better about that POS if they stepped up to the plate instead of clearing it off & tossing it. The CFO doesn't hold a single share. No vote of confidence there. I guess we will have to assume Fly's calc brain is smarter than the CFO's insider knowledge & shit financial acumen.
fuck you kd.

I was making a suggestion fucker.
My bad newequity jumped the gun. There are alot of these basher fuckers that get bitchy when shit is not going in their direction and start blaming this blog for it. Hate those ungreatful fuckers.
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