Saturday, August 25, 2007


MSFT Developing Heads Up Display for Cars

Microsoft may be ready to hook up with the auto manufacturers to provide heads up access to all the gadgets you current are fooling with while barreling down the highway drinking your SBUX.

If you want to read the details here is the patent application.

If you don't I think I have summarized the salient points:

Who the fuck would want one from MSFT? What would you do when it "blue screens" on you?
When it blinds you from blue screening, you will wreck into a tree.

Fortunatly, it will have slowed your car down so much, you only get a small dent.

But then, your car won't start... Well it will start but then shuts down after a block, and you have to restart it again.
Actually a real concern would be that you might not see a pedestrian on the left side, if as shown in the patent drawing, there is a side-bar.

Still all in all it is interesting, but needs some work on it.
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