Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Position Update: MVIS

Why sell MVIS?

Perhaps you are destitute for money, and could give two fucks and a gay donkey about Picop or green lasers.

When investing in micro-cap stocks, be prepared to feel the back end of the blade, should the market fuck itself.

This stock, like others, was marked down, due to a short term over supply.

Why own the stock?

Well, in short, MVIS has the goods and the leadership to offer a unique investment opportunity. Don't you get it, you dumb fucks?

This stock will be 30 bucks, once they get those little Picop's inside MOT cellphones. They have momentum and will be announcing new partnerships, near term.


What do you think will happen to the stock price, if MOT took down 10% of the shares, at these levels? Or, if GOOG partnered with MOT to make the "G-phone" with a Picop inside?

A big pipop in price if Goog g-phone comes out with the picop inside. I added 1000 shares this afternoon.
Or DIS + AAPL + PicoP. Yum.
I added yesterday at $4.63. Be nice to see it close aboe $5 today.
what have you heard on the partnership front?
I am feeling more and more like I know this field since I invested in MVIS. I have been in, out and back in.

Keep an eye on the Korean firm who has very similar products that inked a deal with France Telecom. They seem to be further along than MOT mentioning having a Pico in '09.
Japan already has the "G-Phone":

...and what is the name of this mysterious Korean co.?
who keeps putting that huge blog of shares up every time mvis touches $5?
qhat about the israel company which i mentioned...

*I read The Fly a lot, but this is my first post here (re:MVIS) so I do not always check questions, but I posted the link above.

Not a competitive threat to MVIS' embedded plans.
Who has the big block at $5? It wouldn't be the Fly shorting it so he could buy MVIS cheaper for sure.
Broker, can you explain a bit why you think it won't be a competitive threat?

Because Iljin's technology isn't as far along? Different market niche? Too cumbersome with needing a battery?

Also, this wall of selling in the 4.90's is getting annoying. At least stockpickr is doing some promotion on it.

Different technologies. MVIS uses green laser, which have a substantial advantage over LED technology.
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