Thursday, August 23, 2007


Quick Alert: Off to Buy Dunkin' Donuts Coffee

I'm afraid to be seen with those fucking pink cups. So, I will have someone transfer the contents of the Dunkin' cup into a Starbucks cup. You know, this way, I can "hob knob" with a bunch of assholes, talk about stocks, letting them know how much smarter I am than Angelo Mozilo, while sipping on my "rich man's coffee," aka Starbucks.


God forbid I was seen with a Dunkin' Donuts cup, one might think "The Fly" had quit the business and become a sub-prime lender or worse, a fucking homebuilder.


Time to load up on UNG.
no hurricanes & natty is gonna be cooked w/o gas
Since SUNW is going to pretend to be a s/w play with it's new ticker, maybe NGAS can change theirs to FART?
What No asshat award for Angelo? Thats not fair....
moka harrar, shitting on all starbucks. anyway.

what's sad is that I bet 'JAVA' will get bid up into it. CNBC already loves it.

PS: just BMed...not as dark as angelo's face.

reminds me of you.

the stock messiah.

danny - not as dark, but just as leathery.

Agree on UNG nibblin' here. Nibbled some @ 35.92. Fourth day exhaustion should get us a minor pop at least...
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