Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Sector Spotlight: General Market

I come back from mountain hell, and HANS (a core position of mine) "mushroom clouds" the shorts, including Herb "the Bearshitter" Greenberg. This is how life is supposed to be. I saw this one coming, many many months ago. Java Monster is a game changer. Moreover, HANS is destined for $70, in my opinion.

By the way, thank you Woodshedder and Danny for the guest blogging. Both of you did terrific work, despite numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

First thing I did this morning, aside from the usual cleaning routine, is call my voodoo Doctor and tell him to "fix" this MVIS shit. As you know, I don't like looking at MVIS, below $5.

As for the market:

I'm not convinced the sub-prime horror show is finished. This may be the part of the movie where the dumb blonde chick or muscle bound jerk off is allowed to walk freely, in the woods, prior to having her/his head sawed off. While I was away, I bought LEH and GS, near the lows. I may trade out of them today.

Just in case the horror show in my head doesn't pan out, I bought some CENX. As you know, both RS and CENX are "mountain goat cheap."

Finally, it's worth noting, the sectors that were beaten up the most, brokers, homies and metals, are outperforming the market. At this point, I'd avoid both the homies and brokers and go long some metals, such as KALU, RS, CENX or PCU.

NOTE: The following video was a bit prophetic. Props to Danny for making it.

Broker -
How about FCX?
This week has been a fucking horror show for the shorts.
This iis the part of the horror movie where traders get to look the stocks they were stopped out of run back up without them.
You are amazing! Keep thinking that... You da best. lol
fuck you cunts. today is shitting on the faces of the shorts and innocents. HANS!!!
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