Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Sector Spotlight: General Market

I'll have you know, I hate Google and may just switch this stupid blog to a domain under my registration,

Apparently, the bears have lost their grip, as the indices scream higher. Naturally, I'm sure they (bear shitters) will attempt to mark down stocks, using the media as their personal mega-phone. However, without panicking the weak bulls, this market will not go lower. It's too cheap.

As you know, basic resource stocks are leading the way higher, with big dicked gains in RS, CENX, PCU, KALU, amongst others.

Also, the Yen is getting its pants kicked off, enabling the Yen carry trade fuckers to resume business.

Right now, I am buying ATI. Generally, I like stocks poised to break the psychological $100 barrier. Plus anyway, I like the company. My sense, the stock rips to $104, within days.

Additionally, I like the action in BWLD, MVIS, LNN, FMCN, NGS and GLF.

In short, the bull is back.

Get long.

Is NatGas going to zero :)
If UNG is any indication. I can't wait to see that $0 natty bill this winter here in Minneapolis!
sorry calc brain .. i wouldn't get long here ... better prices coming soon .. perhaps tomorrow & friday .. cool your jets .. patience my son .. patents my boy ... jog on.. viz

Have you sold or kept your BEXP position?
and FUEL for that matter...

"Right now, I am buying ATI. Generally, I like stocks poised to break the psychological $100 barrier."

Good stuff-- We should start making Over and Under bets. More Fees for the house.
NTRI in all-out bear mode now. Anyone buying at 47.80? Can't figure this one out -- are they still doing the buyback? Sure isn't working.
NTRI mgmt bought back shares at an average price of $48.60 in the first half of the year, so you'd think the seller would lighten up on the selling and/or mgmt would start supporting the stock.

I understand the bear case that growth will slow. And the recent mgmt changes destroyed confidence. But I've never seen a company with no debt put up an ROE of 87%. Or an ROA of 67%. And with CapEx requirements minimal, it generates enormous free cash flow. And it's absurdly cheap, trading at less than 12x estimates, or a PEG of .6x if growth slows to 20%.

I can't figure it out either. For what it's worth, no major holders have sold down to levels that require disclosure.
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