Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Metals

Right out the gates, the market is getting "knee-capped" with selling in the homies, industrials and select financials. Also, Cramer is on his fucking blog talking smack. He is now declaring the price action of MHS to be a leading indicator of U.S. recession. Needless to say, Cramer is now pounding the "recession drum."

Now, with all this financial bullshit going on, it is plausible to see our GDP go red for a quarter of two. Instead of playing "Eddy Economics," I prefer to throw darts at Greenspan's face (not real face, a picture) and make believe the world is made of jello.

Who fucking knows?

As for me:

Boenning & Scattergood are my new enemies. They downgraded LNN, after pumping it a few months ago. Without doubt, those fuckers will be receiving an "Asshat of the Week" award, in short order. The volume is very light. The stock is very cheap.

Aside from rumors of recession, the economic sensitive metal sector is on fucking fire. How's that possible, you might ask? Because not everyone is a pussy.

Right now, PCU, ATI, ACH, RS, STLD and even ERS look good.

Finally, as you know, natty is weak, due to lack of hurricanes. How retarded is that?

Soon enough, my hairy knuckled friends, a storm will appear and the idiots who trade natural gas will bid the commodity higher.

Fucking morons.

Esignal is my new enemy. I've been buying LNN all morning and trying to figure why it's down.

They don't have the downgrade reported on their damn wires.


Anyone else buying CFC?
>>Anyone else buying CFC?<<

cit is the better play.
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