Friday, August 10, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Semiconductors

Sorry (not really) for the late post. I was busy plotting evil trades.

Anyway you slice it, today is a major victory for the bulls, averting what looked liked guaranteed death this morning.

Now, don't get carried away and declare a bottom, like some sort of hatfucking goat milker. For all we know, our terrific bankers will surprise us with more blow ups, come Monday.

For the time being, there is no debating the strength in the semi's. Right now, SNDK, QLGC, SSTI, SIRF, NVLS, KLIC, MTSN, CMOS, AMKR, AMIS and KLAC are off to the races.

In short, it looks like we have a short covering rally, across the board.

With my money, I want to chase down the death spiraling basic material stocks, namely CENX and RS. And, buy MVIS on a dip.

I will not close out my short positions, yet. Instead, I will add more longs and utilize my "calculator brain" to scalp a few intra-day trades.

Broker - whats your view of MCHX down here?

I guess it's a buy.

They are stupid fucks
care to elaborate on their stupidity?
Um, Bruce, they can't do dick with 300,000 websites and the stock is 9 bucks.

The CEO needs to go. When that happens, the stock will take off.

However, I doubt it will. Therefore: indifference.
fair enough .. thx
maybe MCHX & SWC should get together & compare notes on how not to make money with the wind at their backs
Thoughts on LSI?
Don't forget about the MU-cow while you're fondling your chapeau.
Also, I think this is a very ginko-biloba time in the market.

There's a need for mental acuity.

And, oh yeah, a new Jackie Chan movie just came out.

Therefore, AOB is a clear buy right now.
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