Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Talk Amongst Yourselves

I've got a meeting this morning.

I will be back later to entertain and astonish.

In the meantime, talk amongst yourselves. Do not forget that Fly can occasionally break away from his "mountain retreat" to check the internets. Anyone who is disparaging his character, whilst he is on vacation, will be severely brutalized, I'm sure.

Did you chuckleheads see my NSTK this A.M.? Yep, I've told you about it a few times here, and hey guess what, it's going much much higher. Flame away, if you must do so. Tell me how it's a recycled pick of Krammer or Fleck, or how I'm an asshole, but this baby is for motherfucking real. Earnings CC tomorrow and special webinar on Friday. Watch for good things.
Hairy, you're an asshole.
thank you stevey and right back atcha
He's not an asshole Steve, he is a young idiot that gets wasted on 5 beers, like to see himself talk, and manages a $600 million fund.
Here, have a laugh.

Pardon the link-whoring, but I have obtained exclusive footage of Broker A (formerly know as "The Fly") on vacation.


[Fly-- hope you're having a great time with your family.......I am now ready to receive any chastisement you wish to dish out at this time.]
Hairy and Gapping are gay twins, and I'm a Yahoo message board poster. Enough said.
Why all the hating on this here message board? I guess me being young and rich brings out lots of jealous haters. Especially from the likes of losers like mike and steve who have never offered a single productive comment to this board. Maybe some day you losers will move out of mommy's basement with the dial-up and get a nice pair of shoes and a job, you miserable fucks.
Hey Harold you oatfucker ... NSTK is a Cramer via Fleck pick you asshole ... nevertheless I have been in there myself ... cause of Fleck the bear ... so I am sharing your glee ..
How are you guys planning on gaming the FOMC this afternoon?
In regards to the FED this afternoon I am putting my hands in my pockets and won't do anything ahead of time. More often then not the markets first reaction (up or down) gets reversed. Sit and watch and let the markets tell me what to do.
lol, Hairy gives permission to be called an asshole then gets his panties all twisted when it happens. What a stupid cunt.
For FOMC I'm playing just like Fly, the best bets in the house, Big 6 and 8 and of course the field.
Fuggedboud Nasty tech, get you some Macuau Money off the Wynn "easy money" plan:

Danny, you see that market maker bluff on VLCM in the premarket? Printed below 34 .. I couldn't find any news and was thinking of taking a swing but it got away from me & kept going.
Hey internet leeches. Here is a winner for yous. ALGN. Then make plastic braces that are removeable. Unlike the metal ones these are less problematic and cost less about $1500 compared to 3k to 4k for the metal braces. 2 million procedures performed each year in us. O and by the way the tech is patented and company has the monopoly.
Some thing for yous to chew on (pun intended)
ALGN has had a helluva run.
MSTR in a complete fucking freefall. Does anyone here know what the story is here?
it's going higher it is a 1.7B company and just 2mil procedures at $1500 a pop we are talking 3B in rev just in US. Also, as more and more dentists get trained to do Invisalign treatment the business will pickup. Most of the R&D is done so margins will also get better.
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