Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Boomer Wins; Long Live Hot Hot Coffee

In a landslide victory, Boomer has established himself as "The Fly's" polar opposite, with regards to "internet etiquette" and coffee consumption habits. Plus, as you know, he eats heavily buttered pancakes from great restaurants, while "The Fly" is subjected to lumpy oatmeal--served in big wooden bowls.

May Boomer dream of many more life changing future winners, while eating some "hand made biscuits"-- then cordially post them on this here blog.

In honor of Boomer's music taste, I offer this video.

Should I Shitcan Boomer? [91 votes total]

Yes (30) 33%
No (61) 67%

Damn fine choice.
Thank you.

My red neck DJ selected it for me.

He said "y'all try this here, and them folks will be dancin' in the moonlight."

True story.
Lol. That's "redneck," obviously.
Broker - are you still behind ARWR? Looks like its trying to run again if it can make it past about 5.17.
ARWR still listed in his current postions post yesterday, as is MATH WU CORS. Guy has a large sack to hold his rocks. We who have lower to no performance, salute you.
Already risen. Check the charts.


Forgive me, but I'm originally from New York. So when I started doing a lot of media deals -- particularly radio -- nothing shocked me more than finding that "country" formats dominated every metro in the U.S.

Even New York City's!
Just remember that "y'all" is plural and "all y'all" is singular.
BIDRU is pushing rong-mustached Conflucian type Shao-rin monks off top froor of pagroda!

Die lunning dog sholts!
So Fly, have you detailed your time machine for iiG's numbers tonight?
It's a NASCAR World!
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