Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Fly Sell: LAZ

I sold short 1,000 LAZ @ $41.74.

Disclaimer: If you sell short LAZ because of this post, Bernanke will default on his subprime loan. And, you may lose money.

Oil is for asshats. But just remember this, it will eventually run out. Supply and demand at its finest.

By the way, Al Whore is an offical asshat. Flying himself and his fat wife around on a Gulfstream II and telling Americans they should get rid of their SUV's and run their thermostat no less than 80 degrees. Fucking socialist.

Interview with Buffett was golden.
It is amazing that the fly deals with the general public.
Socialism's great...

As long as you are in charge.

viz. Mel Brooks as Louis Quatorze in "History of the World, Part I."
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