Friday, September 28, 2007


Fly Sell: LNN

I sold 2,000 LNN @ $44.95.

I'm issuing a buy here on:


MVIS to rocket later.
SBUX and NTRI are buys here

Placed a buy for XFML based on gap close on daily charts.
jeff, off what theories are you basing your calls? Just post em to your fantastic blog. I'm dead serious. That shit is awesome. How do you even find that gold? I don't want to know.

Cigars, are there any cigar websites you buy from that you can vouch for? Or you go to a store?
Fed is privately owned folks.

The only cause for inflation is the printing of more money.
FED is printing at a 14% rate.

Was that a stutter Bernanke?

Good reading/viewing Jeff. Thanks
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Danny. I own a store.

As far as mail order goes, you cant beat JR cigar. And puroexpress will meet all your illegal needs
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