Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Late Day Thought

Are you ready to "get your share of the billions being made on the internet?"

I know I am.

However, it's also worth noting, I might get my face kicked in too.

Even money on iiG.

I'm Ready.
I've got balls of big steel.
Even money is best I've seen in a long time. DIVX, MCHX, iiG(x).
I'm going to give your iig a shot.
Last time I went long IIG, along side of you, before earnings I think we netted 6 points the next day. Lets go for 6 more.
I've got 100 shares riding..lmao...
Maybe the Fly should try doing this It might help the portfolio.
My order for 10 IIG Sep 17.50 puts was filled. You sheep are so funny. I'm ready now.
Newequity, did you ever consider that this might be fun for all of us?
Correct. Wait. No.
After most of the internet stocks latley? I say you have a Timberland heel print on your face at 4:05.

If MCHX is any indication...

Then again I thought SONS was going to grow 40% again this year...
I put in 200 shares long even though the chart looks shitty and I know people who are heavy short.
Thats the beauty of it, huge potential short squeeze. I love it.
IIG has more hair on it than newequity's mother has on her ass.

Good luck rolling the dice.
the worst thing that can happen is the company goes to zero. The whole thing is a card table. Plus we all know the big boys manipulate the market, to screw us small fish--it is rigged. 100% rigged, CNBC is taped in the same studio they taped the moon landing in.

Right Jeff?

I say, when logic dictates, you say fuck it. iiG, conceptually, is a $23 stock, viz., the value of their seminars.
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