Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Ben: Ransack or Rescue?

To me, it's a win-win, whether he cuts by 25 or 50.

Either way, it will give a boost to the slowing economy. Knowing all the bad shit in housing, how could the market sell off?

If the decision to cut rates is split, with little hints of future cuts, we may get taken to a filthy BWLD restaurant.

However, if the wording is like last cut, "fuck you shorts, you're dead."

It really is that simple.

my money is on 'fuck you shorts, you're dead'
Elevator music at the Fed building today:
Think you have that wrong alpha...It's more like this.

Your dollar is worthless...

The Canuck
My money is on selloff, upswing, selloff to an unchanged market. A little something for eveyone.
Dire Straits. Very appropo Canuck.
selloff, then rally to the bell
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