Monday, October 29, 2007


BREAKING NEWS: Bears Getting Shit on

Go ahead, fight it fuckfaces.

While you're at it, go short some of my stocks, like WBD, HANS or FTK.

Fuck around, next thing you know, your house gets foreclosed on.

In other news, LFT is on sale. This is a Chinese Goldman Ball-Sach's deal. No way they let this fucker melt away, like the assholes who did FUQI.

NOTE: MVIS looking sporty.

Anybody think oil gets dumped hard after October 31, when most hedgies end their fiscal year?
Bruce, DPDW looks like a pond you might swim played any of the action?
Im short oil and gas This $93 crap can't keep up.
It can, and will if the dollar continues to weaken.
Jumpie, wait til it hits 100.
The $80 / $120 rule currently applies as will the $100 rule eventually.

It is a convergence of a "perfect storm" price scenario---oil to $120 in 2008.
Are you leveraging out ahead of the fed meeting?
hearing a ROV launch party this Friday..
spencepratt - never heard of it - u rike?
SRS doesn't know it is supposed to be a bear stock. Up today.
i rike arot. any news (and sometimes no news) shoots it. huge growth potential--great clients. flipped it 8+ times to triple my portfolio. value your previous opinions and was curious if you had taken a rook.
Don't know a thing about it .

You have experience trading it, you tell us?
You may ask Lori -he/she is queen of the microcap
AROT/ What is it? no symbol under it.
If DPDW doesn't make it in the offshore drilling services biz, they can sell their name and trademark to the porn industry.

Either way, shareholders will "come out on top".
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