Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Fly Buy: BWLD

I bought 3,000 BWLD @ $38.95.

Disclaimer: If you buy BWLD because of this post, filthy restaurants will spring up all over your neighborhood. And, you may lose money.

throw your money down the toilet. LMFAO!

^You gay?
no but BWLD sure is. LMFAO!! Look at it get crunched. LMFAO!!

Fuck you, go kill yourself so I can LMFAO. No need to rub it in you sick fuck.
The Fly will win. Mark these word in your Bible or Koran.
Sorry Fly, I think they missed because I bought the 40 calls.
The chart explains why BWLD was toxic.
Look at it this way, at least you didn't bet the strobes on this one.
ottnott you are a retard if you think charts predict action after earnings.
Andy: I may be a retard. I may be a dog. I may be your mom (in which case I'm reminding you to put your dirty underwear in the laundry basket).

Assuming you are right about me being a retard, I'll need your help to figure out why I posted a chart that compared BWLD to a unnamed palladium stock.
Stocks move one way or the other after earnings, assbag. For every stock that you post a chart that goes down like your mother, I will post you one that goes up like my bank account.
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