Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Fly Sell: LAZ

I sold short 2,000 LAZ @ $44.75.

Disclaimer: If you sell short LAZ because of this post, you will get swimmers ear. And, you may lose money.

You may lose money?


No scheiss.


Hey, have you noticed that they are rolling off the trading floor already? Remember the OJ jokes?

The New York EPA has just put a ban on the retailing of "Mr. Met" Halloween costumes.

Apparently, they have been ruled a choking hazard.

Can someone do me a flavah flave and check their charting software (or Level II, III, whatever) to see if they are getting the same bizarre reading I am on MPEL?

My 5-minute chart shows almost 3.5 mm shares traded (black candles both) in the ten minute period between 1 and 1:10 pm EST.

Can anyone confirm that?

(If it's real, that scheiss might be ready for liftoff.)
Hey Fly,

Care to share with us your current allocation? % Long, short, cash?
Jake agree on MPEL.
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