Wednesday, October 31, 2007


"I am Cornholio"

NEU- moving-- thanks fly

even though it is a terrible symbol.
Guys I am getting more info on XFML. The buyer that I talked about it still looking for more shares. Don't be surprised to see it continue to the $8 range s-t.

Don't get me wrong, I think the stock is as cheap as balls.

But, after speaking to the company, they seem tentative over current estimates.

Maybe forward guidance will be blow out?
Broker I share in your cautious outlook as these time bombs can blow your face off. My hedge fund source is more than confident but fuck that, I am a realist and don't trust no one, well other than people with time machines that is. I will say this, the buyer is still there on it but I am throwing up a stop since I don't have a giant position, only 3500 shares.
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