Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Quick Alert: "The Fly" is Celebrating Early

Lots of champagne, meatballs and low-end hamburgers being passed around the office.


Let me guess....it's a Halloween Party and you're going as "The Fly".
Flizzle, what are the odds of a MVIS Goog phone connection?



Next question.
Shippers getting kicked down the stairs.

What are the odds of a NOK / MVIS deal?
Meatballs made with Panera bread, now that's what I'm talkin about!
Get back to the phones.

When BWLD goes up 10% you can spring for crockpot mini- dogs on a toothpick.
How do you stop a dog from humping your leg?
BWLD about to get toasted in AH. Fucking overvalued POS
Is the early celebration MVIS related?
BWLD .24 EPS vs .26 exp
35.80 bid....
I assumed a man of such high stature ate kobe beef burgers, exclusively.
oopsie. buffalo shit the bed, joining ARWR, MCHX, WGAT, SRS, XFML, CALM...am I leaving any out. Oh yeah LMFAO!
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