Thursday, November 08, 2007


Am I Not Merciful?

I am picking up more MVIS at this price, lots more.
We could use a little mercy from Mother Market right about now.
Why would anybody be buying MVIS now if Tokman isn't? I'll hold what I've got left, but until the trend reverses, why fight it?
This is just too cute!

BTY.....MVIS.....bad fundamentals...bad technicals....bad stock....better off buying crappy bonds.
Tony I just sold you mine.

I'm sure you'll have the last laugh when your projecting the new "Bee Movie" from you Razor phone on someones T-Shirt.
I think a little too much emphasis is being placed on Tokmans lack of buying. He gets plenty of shares for compensation. Who cares?

MVIS suffers in a news vacuum, thats all there is to it. But CES is not that far away. And I'm sure the MOT PR was all about an initial prototype FOR CES.

Its possible even that while the MOT deal was not an exclusive it offers them a 6 months head start. You have to throw a bone to the FIRST signatory.

Expect MOT to have a nice sleek looking projector phone at MVIS generating gobs of press.

Buying in the 3s makes it like buying shortly after last years CES, despite all the progress we have seen since. If it averages DOWN your holdings, shut up and buy, we are only like 8 weeks from CES.
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