Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Bear Market

Hopefully this post will mark the bottom of the market. However, let's call a spade a spade.

This is what a bear market looks like.

Aside from a few fucktarded tech stocks, nothing is working--going into the best time of year to invest.

Everything from financial to retail, and the stuff that's in between, is getting skinned alive.

It's really hard to be a big fucking believer in this market, after seeing one terrible earnings report after another.

Like the decline in the dollar and rise in commodities, betting against credit/housing related names have been automatic.

PMI to zero.

ABK to zero.

CFC to negative 20.


In short, you're better off playing battleship in your toilet bowl, than fucking around with this market.

It is all your fault for leaving us!
If the SPX stays under 1490 today, it might be bloody tomorrow.
It might be a bloody next 3 hours

WM prints 19 can I get a bid 19 18 can I get a bid......

My sense is we could contain a .com bust but a Financial bust is heavy. Talk about repricing.
ARWR is fucking solid. Up 3.5%.
We bashed out the Oct. lows in the Dow, testing them now... looking bad.

I am predicting that this monday at 10:00, when you leave us, the market will go higher, and higher, and won't stop until Christmas.
after christmas you will come back, showing off all your profits, and that will be the time to short the market.
playing battleship in your toilet

great stuff !

I'm gonna miss you fucker
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