Sunday, November 11, 2007



While some of you think I let Ducati post here, for sentimental or poetic reasons, you're wrong.

Know this: Ducati is an enemy of this website, always has been. I spit on his analysis and chuckle, not laugh, at his fucktarded bearish views.

In short, I just thought it would be fun to fucking fire him again.

It's that simple--and fucked up.

So, without further adieu, should I shitcan Ducati, again?

Fuck you Grant.

Is it possible to do more than fire? How Final?
This person makes a good point. Every single time someone gets fired around here they end up coming back for another round. Geez, why even go to the polls?
Looks like Grant has successfully convinced a ton of people to dump the shit out of MVIS on Monday.

I would also argue that GOOG is worth zero dollars and that its all illegal. Its illegal to index my site without permission. Its illegal to post videos on the web. Its illegal to Sergey Brin to lick the CEO of BP's asshole while providing a reach around for the CEO of LIZ. I agree Grant. Good job on your posts. Stocks are over valued and should be worth 1/10th of their current value. The DOW should be at 1000. TELOZ is worthless and should be sold immediately, hell they should fucking pay me to even see it listed daily. Oil is worthless. This blog is now worthless. There is no company that should be valued at more than 1 times book. Period end of fucking story. Genius, this has to be the way Dean Graziosi made millions, from realizing that MVIS is worth zero dollars, Citibank is now worth nothing. The FDIC is a myth and the BLS is a conspiracy.
Long MVIS!
Ducati's Japanese Wife Selloff

From Bloomberg:
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Japanese stocks fell sharply early Monday as the yen's brisk appreciation hurt exporters such as Canon Inc. and Honda Motor Co., while financials such as Mizuho Financial Group continued to decline on concerns about the health of global financial markets.
The Nikkei 225 average fell 2.1% to 15,257.87, while the broader Topix index lost 2.3% at 1,459.34.
Historys famous farewell speeches:
1. Lou Gehrig-...I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth....
2. George Washington- Friends and Fellow Citizens....
3. General Douglas MacArthur-Old soldiers never die they just fade away.
4. Fly- Fuck you....
haha. grant is legendary on the internets that is undebatable.
Fire that bitch,
Ducati is the biggest loser on the web...!
Long live Fly and long MVIS
Fly, if you've been joking about quitting then please stop joking. Please just quit, because you are a waste of time.
12hrs 30 minutes
Okay, here's my best Shelley "The Machine" Levene. Fuck Ducati even if the bearish prick turns out to be right about something.
Ducati is nothing more than an anal wart.
And Ducati, how dare you call this "the final demise of The Fly."
I don't like this. Even though the Duke gets a "You're FIRED!" he seems to be declaring victory with these posts.
Ducati: What in the house of fags makes you think you can blog with God? Fuck YOU. You're still fucked to the core. The Fly is the only blogger willing to splash the dosh and hook his blog up with timely and witty market commentary. This is a must read blog during these frantic market sessions.
The Fly is hip internationally. The Fly is God. And what are you? You're a creepy, back end growth. Fuck YOU!
Does anyone know of any similar blogs out there??????......someone who puts their money where their mouth is.....I enjoyed following your investment strategy and hearing the varying opinions out there.
Let's see: Ducati says buy FXY and it's in an uptrend.
Fly says: Buy MVIS and it's in the shitter.
Fire the bastard. There is no way to make money buying things that go up in value when some one with a 150+ IQ says you'll get rich buying shit that will be cheaper until the world sees it correctly. I sold MVIS and bought FXY actually a couple of months ago but hold a bunch of March '08 MVIS calls so you can count on MVIS not going down or at least not going up until after March '08. Go make some money while you're waiting and wishing the Fly were back. I'll miss the excuses.
"While some of you think I let Ducati post here, for sentimental or poetic reasons; you're wrong."

Well you certainly didn't let him post here for his grammar. However, judging by your mis-used semi-colon in the above, you would be the pot viz. black.

Odd, no?

Obviously, you are not well versed in the english language, else you would know my sentence structure you referenced was flawless.
How come when I read Ducati--It sounds like David Niven is reading to me. Weird No
I will assume the end of Flyonwallstreet blog has caused you enough mental anguish to the extent that you have temporarily suspended standard English construction, and simultaneously re-interpreted rules for semi-colon usage.
Maybe you should read the sentence aloud, while looking at it with your fucking glasses, son.

Thank you for your fucking blogging. Email me if you would like to have a drink in Los Angeles if you come out here. I am buying. I'll bring my wife if you bring yours. The Standard is 18 floors on the rooftop and a great place to toss pennies on those waiting in line below.
Also, what the fuck do you think you are doing at 10:00 am. Eastern or Pacific time?
Do I actually have to be here at 10 tomorrow or can I check in at noon for the same effect?
M- good question. Maybe the 10:00a.m. EST post will self-destruct at a pre-determined time, as Fly, Robin Hood of the Internets, disappears (fancily) into the forest of Nottingham.
Wood, thanks for pointing that out, I was prepared to arrive at 10am PST.
As legal counsel, I would have thought you would have been aware of the fact, as it actually allows for double billing for the same hour.
Fire him.
That was excruciating. I can't believe that I took the time to read all of Ducati's posts.

I would rather read Dean Graziosi.

Two thumbs down.
self inflicted laser beam at 10
Isn't the Standard fancy?

Jeremy (the other Jeremy)
Fly, I knew you would not be able to leave it in error.
Wood, I guess you missed my post/comment last week where I disclosed the fact that I'm off retainer for Fly as he started bouncing cheques. I cut him off forthwith.
Fuck MaVIS!! She can blow me.
Did anyone see the MVIS patent stuff over at Ben's blog? I was wondering if Ducati would reference it as MVIS's lack of patents seem to really chafe his craw.

Check it out.
I'm also happy to report that the inaugural run of CODE 139 was a great success.
Yes, of course fire the fuckneck.

For what it's worth, anyway.



I think the new site should be called "Behold!"
not sure what you mean,
hot girls, naked swimming, loud music, under the los angeles sky.
fancy schmancy, good times, getting drunk.
I missed the naked swimming when I stayed there last year. Hopefully you aren't the only one that participates

It's probably the coolest hotel in the area. But, it's still fancy.

Jeremy (the other Jeremy)
not me ever,
just good looking girls
btw, this is the one downtown, not on sunset
He makes my undies mushie, are this stuff about what gose up~
nothing left to do but fire him

its like crossing ones tees & dotting ones eyes
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