Thursday, November 08, 2007


Fly Buy: CLX

I bought 2,000 CLX @ $64.39.

Disclaimer: If you buy CLX because of this post, you will get offended by anonymous jerk offs on the internet. And, you may lose money.

Bernake sounds scared. Not good.
You're buying Clorox? You must think the world is about to end.

long CLX for years.

Looks good.
Dear Fly..

I won't be able to go on the net till tuesday morning the 13th, because of work...will the site be up so I can see the big exit news , still...? TIA.
Bernanke is scared. It's the financial system or the dollar.

Hmmm...which one to choose?
Thanks BMan, once again your blog was excellenet, and hope to see you again ! you will be missed, best of luck!
Did Fly just dump some MVIS?
Quickly losing all faith in AT
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