Thursday, November 08, 2007


Fly Sells: CRESY, GME, ALJ

Fuck them.


Are you selling MVIS? Kinda makes me wonder if you are with the continuous slide down the for this week.
I think eggs are looking sunnyside up.
btw - in the fwiw dept

Covered Some Long-Standing Shorts
Doug Kass
11/8/07 10:36 AM EST

In light of my view that the government will ultimately introduce a fiscal, RTC-type of solution to the mortgage problem, I have covered PMI , MTG, RDN, GNW and CFC -- all long-standing investment shorts.
Anybody still in NTRI? More CEO liars---where's the buyback. More than half the float still short.
Take the "K" away from Kass and what's left is what he is.
Yes I have NTRI 3/4 of a million bucks worth. IF the stock price doesn't turn I will hire an I-bank and evaluate buying up the company personally. This is bullshit. Anyway this stock is worth north of $40 so I don't really care except that I am buying here.
The way C is trading Cuomo must have shown up at Co. HQ with a subpoena (not a known fact). He should do something useful like go after Trump.
TC- $29 next stop.....$27.....$25
Election Year baby.
Bitch is pulling a Cramer on Capitol Hill
BIDU is looking like it may take a shit.
BIDU already pooped .. sold only 1/2 - I'll look to buy it back under 350, which should be coming shortly
the question was are you selling MVIS this week?
I have asked similar questions lately, but have been not answered. You do not owe me shit that is for sure, but I would like to know the answer if you could.


But,I do know people who are selling.

I can't stop them, anymore.
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