Friday, November 09, 2007


"Kill the White People"

instead of guessing on FXP you might consider reading:

The Chairman who lives in china and is one of the great advisers and traders in blogdom will give you his opinion -

Time to grow up boys - trading in this market will cut your balls off - Bi-trading rules!
And BZH goes green.

BZH looks more and more interesting. Especially if you are into Constanza type trading.
Once Fly "de-blogs", Maoxian will be my primo blogspot to visit.

BZH will eventually be building doll houses for rich little Chinese girls in Shanghai. No Costanza today.
The two 2X Financial services stocks (ETFs) I commented on last night are starting to pump out the volume and thus decreasing the spread, although UYG is still a little wide for daytraders. SKF (inverse) and UYG (Long).
Thanks for the link to Maoxian.

What's bi-trading?
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