Friday, November 02, 2007


Mid-Night Asshattery

More bow tie fun.

NOTE: If you are not worth at least 50 million euro, you're not allowed to wear a bow tie. Jim Rogers is allowed to wear one, as you know.

That is one crazy old dude. He wants to dissolve the fed? This guy's in it for larks, I'm sure. A poltroon if I've ever seen one.
Hey, dissolving the Fed is conventional thinking for conspiracy theorists.

Rogers is a non-conventional thinker. He doesn't trust big government or Wall Street spin. The man figured stuff out on his own and made his mark. Can't take anything away from him, even if you don't agree with his thinking.

He's earned the right to wear an asshat bowtie.
He's a member of the establishment.
I asked Jim Rogers why beef prices were so high.

He sent me this picture.
Rogers on Bernake:

"The man is a nut."
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love Jimbo ... Rogers, not Cramer

love Cramer too

love love love .. all the world needs is L-O-V-E ... I should write a song, make millions ... already been done?
What's the Merrill Lynch agricultural product that Rogers is buying?
Ok, I think its the RICI TRAKR
I saw that earlier. Jim's a smart guy.
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