Friday, November 02, 2007


Quick Alert: Market Green

"The Fly" wins again.

You're kidding right?

I win, again.
You must be even more delusional in person than you come across blogging.
Not as much as Dick Cheney.
Bipolar Fly
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Don't forget to point out the 'Woodshedder bottom', along with 3rd tier blog linking. A couple of click throughs might fund some 2" chuck steaks, heavily salted, lightly peppered.. ;)
BIDU about the easiest stock i ever done many sessions in a row is that up?

And what are the chances it give it all back in one day...
Cig3- One day? How about two hours or less? Remember several weeks ago in the middle of the day?
cigarz - i hear ya ... I've only been in the BIDU for the last hundred points .. I wonder what took me so long

[knock on wood}shedder
I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the asshats that visit this blog are left wing tools (Dickless Cheney, PeachyGrandPussy, the various Tim Blog adherents, etc.).

Except Bruce, I mean.
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