Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Sector Spotlight: Networkers

Ok, stop fucking around. I am talking to the fucktard who is short stock and doesn't know what to do. Once again, we are in a bull market. In bull markets, stocks trade up-- all the time. Trying to time the top will leave you broke, smelly, homeless and divorced. Trust me when I tell you: You are not as smart as you think you are. Finally, you know what you have to do. Man up, cover your shorts, eat the loss, drink a Monster Energy soda. Any questions?

As for today's trading:

Obviously, I am enjoying the low volume walk ups. Stocks are fucking spiking everywhere-- from IFON to AKAM. Both low and high quality stocks are destroying the remnants of the bears-- just in time for New Year's. I realize that last sentence made no sense, but it felt good writing it-- so fuck you.

Today, my stocks are all green. Trust me, I really need it. My wife was like a monkey in a banana store this Christmas-- buying out toy inventories across the nation. Frankly, I have never spent so much money on Christmas, ever. You think of the toy, trust me-- my kids got it.

When I was young, I would be lucky to get my Grandfather's used toys from the early 1900's. I would play with fucking wooden T-Model Ford remote control cars-- that had kerosene headlights and had to be plugged into the wall for 2 days-- in order to work for 15 seconds.

People were fucktarded back then.

Back to stocks. I like the action in the Internet sector. Stocks like KNOT, PCLN, GOOG and NCTY look good. Also, the Networkers are running. There, I like LMRA, EQIX, GLBC and RACK.

NOTE: Please take the new "Fly Survey." In 2007, will stocks be up or down?

The following Networkers have mojo:

APKT +7.2%
TERN +6.2%
LPTH +5%
TWW +3.5%
RACK +3.5%
AKAM +3.2%

Hilarious. I had to go repeat the monkey in a banana line to my wife. She didn't laugh as much as I did. Boy, does the spending story hit home. She doesn't understand the old adage "Spend like you're rich and you'll always be poor - Spend like you're poor and you'll eventually be rich."
True indeed.
I-jail coming to a Best-Buy near you!
I hear Steve Wozniak was going to take over at Apple, could a Apple IIE-phone be in the works?? You heard it here first.
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