Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Ducati Defeated

In an amazing last minute swing, "The Ducati" aka "The nicest man on all the internets" was voted out of the weekend blogging office-- after holding a commanding lead.

Apparently, Ducati's Asian & Australian enemies, overwhelmingly, voted against him-- effectively poleaxing him into oblivion.

Despite demands for a recount or wild claims, such as: "your poll is as fucking stupid as your website," it will stand. Democracy "lives on."

Hence, "The Ducati" is fired.

Final tally:

Yes: 51% (59)
No: 49% (56)

NOTE: New weekend blogger applicants should contact me, at my earliest convenience, starting now.

As well he should leave he has a stupid name, I mean Ducati a motorcycle? Boomerdote signing off and by the way at the last moment I tried to save you but I wasnt watchin the time. Slide on.
dont stress it ducati, a whopping 115 people have spoken.
record turnout on my retarded website.
Since when did your place become a democracy? I thought you were a sometimes benevolent dictator.

Everything I believed about you has now been thrown into doubt. I must contemplate this recent development.

Excuse me.

P.S. I voted to keep Ducati around, more for entertainment value than the boring fundamental analysis.

Good luck with the new applicants.
"The best form of dictatorship is a benign democracy."

Broker A
March 27th, 2007.
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