Friday, June 08, 2007


Cramer Passes on MVIS

Sorry to cut in on your weekend turf, Danny.

Via Real Money, then directed to

Hey Jim,
I was wondering if you could comment on my
favorite spec Microvision (MVIS). They have a
tiny projector that can be embedded into a
cellphone/laptop/etc. They have run up quite a
lot on impending deal(s) with major cellphone
manufacturer(s). This thing is heavily shorted,
and I am betting on a nice short squeeze. I am
up ~60% already, but I am young and can stand to
lose the money (12% of my portfolio), so I'd
like to stick it out. I am thinking that they
can actually become a viable, profitable company
within 2 years.

Do you have any thoughts?

pass on this one, dont know it

Answered by Jim Cramer
3 days ago -

"The Fly's" answer:

Will someone tell this man Fly is king of MVIS. Come to
my site and I'll tell you all about it.

Answered by Fly

Fuck Cramer.

MVIS to 50+
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I wonder if Jimmy remembers you Fly.
fly, what do you think will happen to MVIS stock price when they announce the warrants to be called? I've never been in a stock with warrants being called before...I am not sure if the cash generated will outweigh the share dilution?
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further proof cramalamadingdong is insane. He'll keep UNH for years, but sell out of FWLT in the 40's, GME pre-split 37's, countless others. NOW HE PASSES ON THE 'VIS?

Douchebag Level: Crimson
It must have woken someone up over at the, as they have added it two there top 10 stocks Rocket Stocks for this week. I suspect we will get a report from Cramer within a month about how great MVIS is.
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