Monday, August 20, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Retail

Last week, many hedge funds were forced to liquidate positions they didn't want to sell. As a result, many stocks were walked down, as if they were loaning money to trailer park owners.

For example: Look at HANS.

A few week's ago, HANS blew out their estimates, sending the stock from $42-49. Post sub prime blow up, the stock went below $41.


In my opinion, without doubt, HANS is going back to $49--now up $1.28 to $43.40.

As you know, currently, many stocks are undervalued and should be bought. However, it's also worth noting, that doesn't mean shit from shingles--if the market starts nosediving, again.

In short, you have to have a fucking "calculator brain" to figure this asshattery out. I'm sorry to disappoint, but most of you are better qualified to fix a flat tire, than fuck around with stocks and bonds-- and other stuff like that (Reminder: despite "The Fly's" 3rd grade writing style, he is still smarter than you).

As for the Hurricane Front:

Forget about Dean. I'm on to bigger and more deadlier storms. 92L is making its way towards Florida and is thirsty for some light sweet crude. Naturally, I really don't know my dick from a doorknob--when it comes to the "global warmed" weather patterns. However, using simple probability formula's, I can tell you: the GOM is going to have its rigs eaten for it.

So, as a result, I feel it makes sense to buy more UNG, FUEL, NGAS, GLF, BEXP, NGS and maybe a little TRGL.

NOTE: LNN is my top pick.

NOTE II: I realize, not once did I mention retail, despite it being my "sector spotlight." I changed my mind. Plus, I was too lazy to change the title, despite spending 30x more time giving you (internet leech) a ridiculous explanation. So, fuck you.

Speaking of Retail... BIG GAINS in AEO today. any insights of their earnings tomorrow Broker A?
The truth comes out: Cramer's picks

This is so sad... and pathetic...
people love to hate and bash cramer ... the fact remains that his calculator brain made him a fortune ... not that I'd blindly follow anyones advice, no matter how many millions or billions they made
How can they judge how Cramer's picks have done?

He's a trader. You can't cover that with a TV show running on a set schedule. Hell, I've even heard of calculator brains that were barely able to keep a blog up to date on trades.

Cramer tells you what he thinks of a stock at the time the show airs, but he doesn't pop up on the tube every time he'd close out a position.

His advice could be much better than calculated -- or much worse.

The focus of the article should have been on the flaw of getting trading advice from a source that doesn't update frequently enough to react to market moves and other information.
Cramer rocks fly sucks. Yo calculator brain, are you stil up 40%YTD? Missed you bragging about your returns. LMFAO
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