Sunday, November 11, 2007



The first analysis based on ratio analysis left possibly an open question as to the value and likely direction in the medium term……medium term being defined as the next three years. I shall return once again to this baseline analysis when we look at the Gold & Oil markets in relation to the stock market.

Through sector analysis we have identified that the business cycle is most likely positioned within the late expansion, early contraction phase, thus, we would conclude that the stock market contains greater risk than reward at this point, assuming a long directional position.

We move next to China and the Chinese stock market. There have been numerous stock selections from Sir Fly, all carrying a health warning.

This market is if not already in a mania, close to one, this speculative orgy carries great risk, but of course parabolic moves can make leveraged bets into huge winners, thus the temptation will always be present.

For the more risk averse we shall look at the “timing” of the Chinese phenomenon, as, it will directly relate to the undervaluation that I have in mind.

Jog on


I demand you turn this blog over to Ducati starting Monday. Why throw away such a valuable thing?
What's the value of it?

Any estimates?

Thanks to Grant
Seriously, this "jog on" has to stop. It's madness!
Ducati, I have to say that I'm diappointed in your somewhat brief summary. I was expecting it would somehow be your coup de grace, and instead, it appears to be just an afterthought.
Doocati ; theres a fine line btw leaving them wanting more & losing them.

I'm not saying you've crossed it.


Jog , ...

but get to the punchbowl .. times a'movin

We're just warming up. As you already know I have been bearish on the US market for at least the last 10 months odd.

Also remember, while I may go into greater detail on your blog, the average Fly reader has the attention span of a gnat.

Thus, in respect to Sir Fly, I have kept the duration and complexity to a minimum.

I want to concentrate on the opportunity in possibly slightly greater detail.

Further, I'm trying to not interpose my "opinion" overmuch, just let the numbers speak for themselves.

jog on
Ahhh yes...But it is your opinion that elicits so much asshattery.

Anyway, no matter, carry on.

I shall save the opiniated article to close the weekend, almost where I first showed up

jog on
Fly baby....

Post the China, credit and Opportunity articles post haste, as you are running out of weekend, then I can close on the grande finale.

jog on
Ducati, as usual, you're long on bluster and short on meaningful information that is useful to the trader or investor.

Scarlet Poltroon,

Of course, but we don't all have access to the Fish Tank Advisory that provides you with all of your stock picks.

jog on
What is this clown's first language?

Perhaps that explanation would let him off the hook.
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