Friday, February 16, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Internet

Last night, I ventured off to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, to celebrate their "fuck you shorts, you're dead" quarter. At the risk of looking and sounding like a crazy man, I could not help laughing out loud, whenever I was reminded of the "soaring" price of chicken. Seriously, I warned you fuckers who know me, I would mail you my leftover chicken wings from dinner, if BWLD beat the estimate. Actually, I said when it goes to $75-- but who is really paying attention?

Being intelligent hatfuckers, you probably dismissed Fly's threats as "silly" or "he's just joking around with the internets." Wrong.

I am too much of a dick to let you get away with that. Furthermore, I'll have you know, I am having my assistant Fedex a "night's worth" of chicken bones to your house-- for Saturday delivery. You know who you are.

Good luck explaining this to your wife.

As for the markets:

We are probably going to sell off today, ahead of the long weekend. However, I will be instructing my servant/trader to fucking buy, whenever I ring the little bell on my desk. Also, I regret not buying STMP. The stock always rips near Valentines Day. Remember that next year.

Finally, I will accumulate more CENX and prepare to eat the livers of those who short MVIS.

More on this later.

Thanks for bwld Fly!

Being a vegetarian really makes owning bwld that much more enjoyable/ironic. Watching drunk fatties gorge on wings as I gorge on dollars/soy wings is priceless

Almost as much fun as owning MO, especially in the club when drunks are dropping $6 to buy a pack of marlboro's
I almost want to go thank them!
Just be careful not to choke on those soy wings. I hear they are a killer.
I agree on CMG.

Anyone care for some Chinese milk?

I am still long MVIS. I just wish these damn traders would get their fingers out of it.

Course, they say any form of advertising is better than none at all... whoever "they" are - LOL!
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